Saturday 25 April 2015

Blade Storm Alliance

Blade Storm

We are a a mature, war active and respectfully rebellious bunch. 
Donates daily!

"We'll get through.....your barricades and blockades!"

Skull record 1,161,553 !!!

Hall of Fame

Blade Storm Alliance's Rules, Requirements and Perks

Rules :-
1) Donate Daily.
2) Participate in War (Minimum 3 attacks on every battle unless mentioned otherwise!)
3) Falling into Inactivity will be kicked.
4) Profanity ALLOWED ;) We are mature, humble and loyal bunch.
5) Stay above 2500 Trophies or you might get replaced!
6) Trophy dropping is ALLOWED! But not below 2500 Trophies. I know some of you might use bait bases every now and then to earn some Gems, even I do it from time to time!
7) NO Undefended/Open bases during War Time!

Requirements :-
1) Minimum Donation 250k (Alliance tower level 9 and above only)
2) At Least 3000 Trophies to join (Falling below 2500 Trophies = Danger Zone)
3) To be eligible for General, you need meet all the requirements/rules and enforce them, to participate in chat, donate more than others and be very active! (No activating Elite Boosts. That's my job! ;)

Perks :-
1) Blazing Knights, Power Archers, Stunning Ogres and Howling Wolves will be activated every single day! Defensive boost eg Tough Barricades will be activated during war time.(Unless otherwise specified in announcement)
2) Other Elite Boosts will be used accordingly throughout war when necessary. Use it to attack/defend and win wars! (In the future, more will be boosted when members donations are sufficient!)
3) 45%+ Gold Bonus (as of 4/3/2016)
4) Our alliance is currently Ranked 150 (as of 4/3/2016)
5) Security, if you meet the requirements and rules, you will remain as long as you want. You will not be replaced by people who is stronger/better than you. Unless you fail to obey the requirements and rules.
6) There no politics or any injustice. I've kicked long time members/top donors for falling below the requirements, not participating in Wars and never communicate at all! (I gave them over 20 DAYS to comply, and yet they remained SILENCE FOR THE ENTIRE 20 Days...) 
7) Do state your reasons for why you can't comply! We are understanding bunch and would very likely give time for you to meet the requirements.

Warnings will be given for failing to donate daily or attack in war. No warnings will be given for falling into Inactivity.

UNLESS YOU MENTION BEFORE HAND, falling into inactivity = instant kick! 
(ie going on vacation, no internet for a few days, exams, hospitalized)

Here is a List of Reasons for Kicking members

We take non-participating members in Alliance Wars SERIOUSLY:- Blade Storm: Non-Participating Members

Banned members: 
- Gagzee (Hopper, left 3 times, donated once.)

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