Saturday 9 May 2015

Writer's Lounge ep: 1

My Internet SUCKS *period*

Hehe, first and foremost, I'm NeverAngelic, the Writer and Alliance Leader of Blade Storm. I have decided to share some of my personal side with you guys.

I like to treat this as a hobby, if possible, turn it into a paying job :P Mainly because I love games and frankly, that's the thing I do best. I used to be a hardcore MOBA player and frankly I miss the days. I was at the Top 100 in SEA region's ladder and even went on to compete in Tournaments etcs.

All that changed when I was no longer able to maintain my gaming standards due to *ba-dum ching* internet problems. So I resorted to casual mobile games... like Royal Revolt! ehe.

Now back to the internet situation. I was promised 4Mbs connection but it felt more like 1-2Mbs with the added benefits of Spikes, Lag and occasionally 5-30 mins of completely non-existent connection!

Sometimes I can upload 40 pictures in 5-10 mins. Often it takes me the whole afternoon... Like right now at the time of writing this post, I have failed to reconnect to Royal Revolt 2 for the 10th consecutive times!!!

I believe the cause of rage in gamer's have significantly increased due to the development of internet, multiplayer and bad connections.

There's not really much point in this post and it felt more like a rant while my internet was down... 
(I typed this in Microsoft Word then transferred to my blog when the internet went back up) 

Also, it's raining and I'm just having a horrible day. But here's to the 1st episode of Writer's Lounge! Cheers!


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