Sunday 3 May 2015

How to spend your Hard-earned Gold Wisely!

A Guide on spending your Hard-earned Gold Wisely!

This guide is purely based on my personal opinion, it might or might not be the most efficient/ideal way to spend your Gold. Final decisions will always be up to you. All I'm offering is my advice and how I do things in my Kingdom.

Spend gold on Pure Offensive/Offensive things first rather than pure Defensive things. This is because the main method you get gold is through raiding other Kingdoms! 

Let me ask you, how much Gold have you saved in winning defences due to superior defences compared to how much Gold you've earned through winning attacks due to superior Spells, Troops and Equipments?

Strong Offence to yield more Gold in return. Strong Defence only offers protection to your own Gold, which doesn't really help you gain much Gold does it? 

Strong Offence = Winning attacks = gain more Gold
Strong DefenceWinning defences = maintain your Gold

You see, having Strong Offence yield more Gold thus helps you progress faster! Defence on the other hand just maintains the Gold you have, which usually isn't very much as you're likely to have spend it already ;) I highly recommend to upgrade Offensive things first then only upgrade Defensive things!

My Comments will be in RED

Things with Pure Offensive elements.

One of the most crucial part of attacking, provides high utility, damage and survivability for you and your troops. Essential for winning attacks!

I always upgrade Spells as First priority! Spells are your King's Lifelong companion and they help you win attacks, which means more gold!

Wizard's Tower
Needed to unlock more powerful spells and scrolls. Provides further upgrades to existing spells which greatly increases the effectiveness of spells. Very crucial to you King

Wizard's Tower is needed for upgrading Spells so I placed it at First priority.

Provide survivability, utility and damage. Some equipment can make your King runs faster, earn more Gold, provide more Leadership which summons more troops and lets you scream more!

This is a tricky one. 
You see, if the Granny offers good offers like +20% Speed boots, it becomes First priority! However, most of the time Granny offers junk, so I'd classified at Second priority as not all Equipments are desirable and needed. It still offers greater offensive power so it is still ranked higher than pure defensive stuff.

(occasionally First priority, due to the randomness of the Equipments)

Needed for attacking. No food, no attack. Straightforward enough!

First priority! Food is too important! 

Stores more food, which means more attacks Required to upgrade Farms.

First priority! As Silo is needed for leveling Farms.

Things with both Offensive & Defensive elements.

Used in attacking and in defending. Castle Guard recruits your troops to defend your Kingdom. Very Essential, but falls behind Spells and Equipment in my opinion. This is because Spells/Wizard's Tower and Equipments offers UTILITY as well as damage and survivability. 

Second priority. The reason is because Troops acts as support when you are attacking. You, the King who charges in like Rambo with your Spells and shit, has First Priority ;)

Troop Academy
Needed for unlocking new troops. Provide upgrades for existing troops. Essential but falls behind Spells/Wizard's Tower and Equipment.

Second priority. Troop Academy is needed to unlock Troops and to upgrade them.

Things with Pure Defensive element.

Castle Guard
Provides troops in waves to defend your Kingdom. Unlocks more Defensive Waves and provides upgrades to them. There is a rule of exception to upgrading Castle Guard as it is needed to upgrade Defensive waves which takes very long to be maxed. 

10/10 I recommend put Special First priority in Upgrading Castle Guard and Defensive Waves because of how time consuming it takes to max the Defensive waves of Castle Guard. 

Defensive Waves

You need to wait around 447 days which is around 15 months to max your Defensive Waves. Better start now!

Although Defensive Wave falls under Pure Defence, it just takes too much time to upgrade! You need AT LEAST 1 year + to max your Defensive Waves! This fact alone made me place Castle Guard and Defensive Waves into First priority! Alongside Spells and Wizard's Tower. 

Castle Gate
The single most important building in defense. Destroying the Castle Gate offers 65% defeat. Usually means you've lost! Along side with most of your Trophies and Gold!

Third priority behind all the Pure Offensive/Offensive & Defensive stuff. However Castle Gates are the second most important thing in Defence, behind Castle Guard/Defensive Wave. Reason being you if you lose the Castle Gate, you lose most of your gold in your Treasure Chamber!

Inventor's Workshop
Needed to unlock new towers. Unlocks Construction Plans which allows Towers, Traps, Barricades and Blockades to be upgraded even more!

Third priority. Inventor's Workshop is needed to unlock and upgrade your defensive arsenals. Falls behind Castle Guard/Defensive Wave and Castle Gate in terms of priority. You need them for your Towers/Barricades/Blockades!

Construction Plans
Allow your Towers, Traps, Barricades and Blockades to be upgraded even more!

Third priority, same as mentioned above.

Serves as Primary Defense for your Kingdom. High level Towers hurt even the Toughest Kings! Priority usually comes second, behind upgrading Defensive Waves and Castle Gate.

Third priority. Towers are better than Traps, Barricades and Blockades at repelling attacks because they can slow and kill the enemies down. I've dealt with Bases with low leveled Towers/Defensive Waves and high leveled boosted Barricades. My troops just swam the Barricades and neglect the low leveled Towers/Defensive Waves. High leveled Towers/Defensive Waves on the other hand, destroys attacking troops at choke points and greatly hurts the attacking King, forcing him to move back, making him lose more time than the Blockade/Barricades did.

Troops and Kings who walks across them gets damaged! Usually outclassed by Barricades and Blockades.

Fourth priority. Can slow and occasionally kill some troops. Traps are useless on their own, an attacking King can just stand from afar and destroy the Trap without even getting damaged. Unless of course, supported by decent level Defensive Waves and Towers.

Wooden obstacle to slow down attackers. Crucial in defending but falls behind Castle Guard, Defensive Waves, Castle Gate and Towers in terms of priority in defense.

Fourth priority as well. Can only slow down enemies. Even though high level Barricades can delay lots of time, it is useless on its own and easily overpowered by attacking troops unless supported by decent level Defensive Waves and Towers.

Metal obstacle to slow down attackers. Crucial in defending but falls behind Castle Guard, Defensive Waves, Castle Gate and Towers in terms of priority in defense.

Fourth priority as above. Can only slow down enemies. Even though high level Blockade can delay lots of time, it is useless on its own and easily overpowered by attacking troops unless supported by decent level Defensive Waves and Towers.

Special cases for considerations!

Alliance Tower
 With Alliance Tower, you can join an alliance, create an Alliance, participate in Alliance Wars, chat with other Alliance members and use Elite Boosts. Important during higher level of gameplay!

Initial investing on 2 Gems to build an Alliance Tower and then spending 50K gold to make your own alliance is a smart move as a minimum of a 5% gold bonus is always provided, which makes any alliance better than no alliance!

Joining powerful alliances might provide you with Elite Boost which further Boost your Offence and Defence! The Gold Bonus alliance provide is also very attractive!

Just grab the minimum 5% Gold Bonus for 2 Gems and 50K Gold, Trust me! It's worth it.

Throne Room
Throne Room is needed as a prerequisite to all your other upgrades, it is important that the Throne Room is upgraded accordingly.

This I have no comment on priority, just upgrade when you find yourself unable to upgrade other things! 

For example you reached the level cap on Spells, your Wizard's Tower has also reached the level cap. It is time to upgrade Throne Room!

Treasure Chamber
Upgrading Treasure Chamber protects more of your hard earn Gold and is needed to make more expensive purchases.

Second to Third Priority depending on playstyle. Upgrade if you like to lose lesser gold, when the new upgrades cost more than your Treasure Chamber can hold or if you are constantly finding your Treasure Chamber full.

Upgrading Taverns provides more passive Gold which is nice :)

Upgrade if you like more Gold in long term! First priority in my opinion. Maxed Taverns provide me with 200k gold every morning. That is not a small amount. Although opinion varies from people to people.

Thank You for reading my guide! 

Do leave me a comment and share it if you've liked it ;)

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